Dangler of the Week
Thank you to all participants, and congratulations to those selected as "Dangler of the Week"!
October 6 - October 12

September 28 - October 5

September 21 - September 27

September 14 - September 20

September 7 - September 13

August 25 - August 31

August 18 - August 24

August 11 - August 17

Zach of Maryland shows off a BIG chunky bass he ‘Dangled’ on a Nickel Cole!
August 4 - August 10

July 28 - August 3

July 21 - July 27

July 14 - July 20
Steve from Virginia shows off a dusk time bite, Steve reported 7 fish on the hour trip. This solid bass fell for a Brass Camden paired with a Rapala 'Freeloader'.
July 7 - July 13

June 30 - July 6

June 23 - June 29

June 16 - June 22

June 9 - June 15

June 2 - June 8
Nathaniel of West Virginia shows off his PB rainbow trout caught on a Lucy Jr!
May 26 - June 1

May 19 - May 25

May 12 - May 18

Luciano of Pennsylvania shows off a beautiful brown trout caught on a dressed Nickel Juice.
May 5 - May 11

April 28 - May 4

Mike of Maryland with “back to back” ‘Dangler of the Week’ titles. This time he shows off a BIG bass that didn’t want a Brass Cole paired with a fluke swimming through her bed. Mike reported a double digit day, finishing with 12 bass!
April 21 - April 27

April 14 - April 20

April 7 - April 13

March 31 - April 6

Mike of Maryland enjoyed opening day of Maryland’s trout season, reporting 7 successful catch and releases. Mike caught all the rainbows on the same Nickel Papa!
March 24 - March 30

March 10 - March 16
Adam of Indiana fooled this big largemouth on the third cast of the day using a Nickel Cole.
March 3 - March 9

Mike of Maryland “struck Gold” enjoying some pre-closure spring trout fishing. Mike fooled the beautiful trout on a Nickel Buffalo!
February 18 - February 24
Steve from Kentucky was “beating the bank” with a Brass Juice, when he fooled this nice Largemouth Bass!
February 11 - February 17
Mike of Maryland capitalized on the only bite of the day, catching this chunky largemouth on a Brass Juice!
January 28 - February 3
Dress for Success! Joe used a Dressed Nickel Muncher to fool several little bass that had schooled up on a submerged boulder.
January 21 - January 27
Mike of Maryland made the most of his only catch, catching this chunky largemouth, 'slow-rolling' a Brass Juice slowly along the bottom.
December 31 - January 6
While on vacation in Texas, fooled several bass including this chunky largemouth. All bass were caught on a Nickel Drip!
December 17 - December 23
James, and his Nickel Darla, strikes again; earning back to back ‘Dangler of the week’! James reported a mixed bag of perch and pickerel while fishing the Severn River in Maryland.
December 10 - December 16
James of Maryland knew that colder temperatures meant a hot pickerel bite. James efforts were rewarded with several nice pickerel, including this one fooled on a Nickel Darla!
November 19 - November 25
Keith of Tennessee enjoyed some “skinny water” fishing and reported a mixed bag of bass and trout. All fish were caught on this Nickel Krock!
October 29 - November 4
Mike of Maryland “beat the bank” and had a great day of pond fishing; reporting 6 bass caught on the same Nickel Darla!
October 15 - October 21
Tyler of Virginia braved the “crappie” weather and was rewarded with this nice crappie. Tyler caught it on a Brass Camden!
September 24 - September 30
Jason of Wisconsin “dressed for success” to fool this beautiful Wisconsin river smallmouth bass. Jason used a Dressed Nickel Juice!
September 10 - September 16
Jason of Wisconsin enjoyed some ultralight creek fishing catching several smallmouth. All the smallies caught were fooled on the same Nickel Juice!
September 3 - September 9
Zachory of Maryland enjoyed some kayak fishing while trolling a Dressed Nickel Drip. Zachory was rewarded for his efforts with this nice bluefish!
August 27 - September 2
Mike of Maryland woke up early and was rewarded with a HOT bass bite. Mike caught 6 Bass in 30 minutes all on a Brass spinnerbait.
August 20 - August 26
Matt of New York started his week out right with 5 bass in an hour of fishing. All were ‘Dangled’ on a Nickel Camden, including this chunky bass!
August 13 - August 19
Justin of Alabama showing off a nice bass he fooled with a Nickel Cole.
August 6 - August 12
Mike of Maryland stayed on a HOT bite, earning back to back “Dangler of the Week” titles with another solid bass fooled on a Nickel Camden paired with a fan-tail worm.
July 30 - August 5

Mike of Maryland caught this beautiful bass on the first cast while on vacation. Finished his 1 hour trip with 5 Bass, all fooled on the same Brass Camden paired with a paddletail!
July 23 - July 29
Joe of Tennessee enjoyed a HOT creek bite; finishing with a mixed bag and reporting over 30 fish caught! All fish on the trip were fooled on a Brass Papa.
July 16 - July 22
Adam of Indiana enjoyed a good day of creek fishing, catching 5 smallmouth bass. All smallies caught on the trip were caught on a Nickel Cole paired with a paddletail.
July 9 - July 15
Mike of Maryland pulled this BIG smallie out of a local creek. Who says small baits can’t catch big fish?! Mike caught it on our smallest spinner, a Brass Papa!
July 2 - July 8
The early angler gets the fish. Nick of Tennessee enjoyed a hot morning bite, including this solid largemouth fooled on a Brass Camden paired with a Green Pumpkin paddletail trailer.
June 25 - July 1
Jason of Wisconsin was the only one catching, until he gave away some Dangles to other anglers; the smallies wanted Brass spinners. This one fell for a Brass Buffalo!
June 18 - June 24
Mike of Maryland was fishing a pond he found while on vacation and enjoyed a hot bite on a Nickel Darla.
June 11 - June 17
Nathan of Alaska enjoyed some boating and a hot trout bite, using a Brass Muncher to fool several nice rainbows.
June 4 - June 10
Mike from Maryland made the most of a quick fishing trip, catching this beautiful 20” snakehead on the 4th cast with a Nickel Juice!
May 28 - June 3
The early bird gets the worm; Jason of Wisconsin fooled this nice pickerel using a Brass Muncher!
May 21 - May 27
Shane Jr of Maryland was fishing on his kayak in Middle River when this chunky 3.5 pound largemouth hit his Nickel Darla paired with a white paddletail!
May 14 - May 20
Kevin of Virginia didn’t let the rain ruin his day, reporting 10 bass in about an hour of fishing. All fish were caught on the same Brass Juice!
May 7 - May 13
Dave of Maryland enjoyed some nice weather and good fishing, catching several bass and crappie on a Nickel Juice!
April 30 - May 6
Shane of Maryland showing off his first Dangle. Shane used a Nickel Darla to fool this nice largemouth!
April 23 - April 29
Cole of Maryland is all smiles after catching his PB of the year. He was using a Nickel Buffalo when he caught the nice largemouth!
April 16 - April 22
The weather isn’t the only thing heating up, the fishing has been HOT! James of Maryland used a Nickel Darla paired with a white paddle tail to fool this nice pickerel.
April 9 - April 15
Adam of Indiana enjoyed a hot bite using a Nickel Papa to fool this stud white bass out of a local neighborhood pond.
April 2 - 8
Warmer weather and a Nickel Buffalo helped Mike of Maryland fool several bass over spring break, including this chunky bass that swallowed the Dangle!
March 26 - April 1
Chris Thurman of Oklahoma used his “favorite creek bait”, a Dressed Nickel Muncher, to fool several early spring creek bass!
March 12 - March 18
Joshua Bullock of Tennessee enjoyed a “crappie” day of fishing; fooling several slab crappie before a storm rolled in with a Nickel Dangle.
February 19 - February 26
Chris and Diamond of Oklahoma spent their lunch break the right way, catching a couple rainbow trout with a Nickel Cannon!
February 5 - February 11
Mike from Maryland “dressed to impress” using a Dressed Nickel Muncher to fool several bass!
January 29 - February 4
Steve from Virginia caught this beautiful 16” Rainbow Trout on a Brass Drip!
January 23 - January 28
Vern of Tennessee beat the skunk on his first fishing trip of 2023; with the help of his favorite Dangle, a Nickel Buffalo!
January 8 - January 14
Cole of Maryland enjoyed a warmer than normal start to 2023 and capitalized on a HOT bass bite at a local pond. He used a Dressed Nickel Muncher to catch several bass on his first fishing trip of 2023!
January 1 - January 7
Zach of Maryland enjoyed some Winter trout stocking, fooling 5 nice rainbows on the same Nickel Bullet!
December 18 - December 24
The temperatures may be dropping, but the trout bite is HEATING up! Mike from Maryland used a Nickel Juice to fool several brownies on a recent creek fishing trip.
December 11 - December 17
Despite cold temperatures in Maryland, Mike enjoyed a HOT bite. He caught several bass while slow rolling a Nickel Darla around submerged logs!
November 29 - December 3
Mike of Maryland shows off the NEW Dangle spinners with this nice largemouth. This chunk fell for a Nickel Krock!
November 8 - November 14
Leaves and temperatures are falling in Maryland, where Mike fooled this nice smallmouth below a spillway. This smallie was fooled with a Dressed Nickel Muncher!
October 23 - October 29
Mike of Maryland showing off the NEW Dangle spinners with this nice creek largemouth. This chunk fell for a Nickel Buffalo!
October 9 - October 15
Cole of Maryland enjoyed a surprise catch out of a local pond when he hooked into this nice Northern Snakehead on a Nickel Papa!
September 25 - October 1
Mike Day of Maryland enjoyed a hot bite while creek fishing, catching numerous fish with the same Nickel Papa spinner.
September 11 - September 17
Steve from Connecticut enjoyed a hot bite with a Brass Cole, landing 8 bass his first time Dangling! Steve got his Dangle out of the September Hendrix Fishing Box.
September 4 - September 10
Vern Hall of Tennessee knew what to throw when the fishing got tough. With few fish interested in biting, Vern tied on his 'skunk-proof' Dangle and started ripping lips. On this day, a Dressed Nickel K.O. was the ticket!
August 28 - September 3
Joshua Bullock of Tennessee beat the heat with some smallies out of a local creek. Joshua used a Nickel Knight to fool this creek smallmouth!
August 21 - August 27
Zach Douglas of Maryland was fishing on vacation when he fooled this BIG bass! This chunk was fooled on a Nickel Darla!
August 14 - August 20
Korey Bosley of North Carolina Dangled some nice Summer Flounder using a custom Brass Drip!
August 7 - August 13
Chris Thurman of Oklahoma was “dressed for success” when he Dangled a few big bass. All fish on the day we’re fooled by a Dressed Nickel Muncher!
July 31 - August 6
Vern Hall of Tennessee Dangled this chunk of a largemouth while visiting Minnesota for a work trip. This was the first reported Dangle in the state of Minnesota and was caught on a Nickel Dragon!
July 24 - July 30
Bridget Beall of Maryland thought she had a bass when she hooked into this tank of a green sunfish! Bridget fooled the big sunfish with a Brass Juice.
July 17 - July 23
Korey Bosley of North Carolina Dangled a few Summer Flounder (Dangled fish species 48). All of the flatties were fooled by a Brass Drip!
July 10 - July 16
Mike Day of Maryland fished a local pond after some storms and fooled a few bass, all caught on the same Brass Cole (spinner swimmer) with a Green Pumpkin trailer!
3 - July 9
Bridget Beall of Maryland was having a tough day of fishing; but saved the day, and beat the skunk, when she tied on a Brass Drip. When the fishing is tough, just give it a Dangle!
June 26 - July 2
Nathaniel Reynolds of West Virginia enjoyed a great day of mixed species fishing; highlighted by this Flathead Catfish (the 45th different fish species Dangled) fooled by a Brass Lucy Jr.
June 19 - June 25
Anthony Lepera of Delaware had a mixed bag kind of day with a combination of sunfish and bass! This 'smallie', and all of the fish caught that day, were fooled by a Nickel Muncher.
June 12 - June 18
Mike Day of Maryland enjoyed a hot creek bite, Dangling over 30 fish back to back trips! This big longear was fooled by a Brass Papa.
June 5 - June 11
Jason Boehm of Wisconsin was 'Dripping' in smallies last week. Jason matched the murky water conditions by using a Dressed Brass Drip to fool all of his fish on this specific trip.
May 29 - June 4
Justin Olson of Wisconsin enjoyed some 'hot' creek fishing recently; catching a mixed bag, highlighted by this big, beautiful rockbass. Justin used a Brass Buffalo to fool the fish on his recent trip!
May 22 - May 28
Carl De Guzman recently moved to Washington and made sure to take his Dangles with him. Carl caught several bass, highlighted by this beauty fooled by a Dressed Brass Juice!
May 15 - May 21
Double Trouble; Jason Boehm of Wisconsin 'doubled down' with his Dangler of the Week title, by winning another one (back to back)! This time, Jason landed a beautiful Northern Pike while using a Nickel Dangle Prototype!
May 8 - May 14
Jason Boehm of Wisconsin Dangled fish species number 41 this past week. Jason wasn't having much luck when his Dressed Brass Drip was slammed by this Greater Redhorse.
May 1 - May 7
Cameron Smith of Pennsylvania Dangled a mixed bag consisting of bluegill, bass and crappie. Cameron used multiple Brass Dangles with success!
April 24 - April 30
Carson Tidwell of Kentucky was fishing with his dad when he hooked into this beautiful bass using a Nickel Cole (Spinner Swimmer). The Spinner Swimmers have been bringing in the BIG bass lately!
April 17 - April 23
Mike Day of Maryland had a great morning of Dangling with the new Spinner Swimmers. Mike used a Brass Camden paired with a black and blue paddle-tail to fool several big bass!
April 10 - April 16
Max Wilson of New Jersey had the bass and panfish 'choking' on the Dangles this week. This bass inhaled a Brass Lucy Jr.
April 3 - April 9
Drew Cobern of Texas Dangled his PB creek fish when this nice largemouth bass "obliterated his Dangle Lures spinner"! Those creeks are starting to heat up!
March 27 - April 2
Shawn Wierzbowski of Maryland enjoyed a great first week of Trout season. Shawn knew Dangles would help him get deeper than other opening day anglers and it helped him fool several trout, including this beautiful 20" Golden Trout! Shawn caught all of his trout on a Brass Drip.
March 20 - March 26
David Sturgell of Indiana used a newly released Spinner Swimmer to fool this 'smallie'. David paired his Nickel Spinner Swimmer with a white paddle-tail.
March 13 - March 19
Keith Cole of Florida Dressed for Success to 'impress' the fish and get them to bite. This solid largemouth, and several others, were fooled using a Dressed Brass Drip.
March 6 - March 12
Matthew Crafton of Oregon has been enjoying a 'hot' trout bite lately; all trout have been fooled on inline spinners. This one was fooled by a Nickel Juice!
February 27 - March 5
Keith Cole of Florida knew what to throw when the fishing got tough; Keith tied on his Dangle and beat the skunk! Keith fooled this bass, and a couple others, with a Brass Bullet.
February 20 - February 26
Mike Day of Maryland slowed down his retrieval and was rewarded with several bass, including this solid 2 pounder just before dusk. Slowing down your retrieval, and fishing during the warmest part of the day, are effective methods for getting more bites during the colder months of the year!
February 13 - February 19
Carson Tidwell of Kentucky has been enjoying early access to the EWG Spinners. Carson holds up one of the many bass fooled on the day with a Brass Drip EWG!
February 6 - February 12
Edwin Johnson Dangled this beautiful South African brown trout out of a pond that he had previously never caught a fish; the Naked Nickel Muncher Edwin used fooled several that day!
January 30 - February 5, 2022
Darlene Johnson of Colorado took some Dangles with her to South Africa where she Dangled this beautiful rainbow (the first confirmed Dangle outside of the USA)!
January 23 - January 29, 2022
Zach Douglas of Maryland Dangled this big rainbow trout using a Nickel Bullet. The trout have been biting the 'Bullet' recently!
January 16 - January 22, 2022
Chris Thurman of Oklahoma used a Dressed Brass Bullet to fool this beautiful brown trout. When fishing highly pressured areas, dressed hooks can provide the extra action necessary to entice finicky fish; great catch Chris!
January 9 - January 15, 2022
Bruno Govea of Georgia dangled this strong swimming bluegill using the same Naked Nickel Cannon that helped him earn Dangler of the Week a few weeks ago; what will he Dangle with it next!
January 2 - January 8, 2020
Mike Day of Maryland beat the skunk on his first trip of 2022 by Dangling this bass who "Munched" a Dressed Nickel Muncher!
December 26 - January 1 (2022)
Josh Miller of Texas had a great first week of Dangling. In his first week of Dangling he caught bass, crappie, tilapia and catfish; highlighted by this BIG beautiful bass!
December 19 - 25
Bruno Govea of Georgia Dangled his first fish on his very first cast with a Dangle! Bruno fooled 5 bass in about 10 minutes using a Naked Nickel Cannon!
December 12 - 18
Keith Cole of Florida enjoying the sun, warmth and great fishing in December. Keith used a Dangle Lures Flare to upgrade his jerkbait, and a Nickel Muncher EWG Spinner (currently only available to our Pro-Staff) to land several nice bass!
December 5 - 11
Diamond Thurman of Oklahoma capitalized on a hot bite, fooling several species of fish. Even this fat green sunfish, who's been pigging out, couldn't resist a Dressed Nickel Muncher swimming by!
November 28 - December 4
Carl De Guzman of Maryland caught and landed this big, beautiful rainbow trout, his 1st trout ever, while using a Brass Drip. Congrats on your first trout Carl!
November 21 - 27
THREEpeat! Congratulations to Vern Hall of Tennessee for earning his 3rd straight Dangler of the Week award; Vern sealed the deal this week with this beautiful bass fooled by a Dressed Nickel K.O!
November 14 - November 20
Vern Hall of Tennessee with a back to back “Dangler of the Week” performance. Vern fooled this slab crappie, and several others, with a Dressed Nickel Buffalo!
November 7 - November 13
Vern Hall of Tennessee had a great day of Dangling. He fooled several species, including this Dangle Double on a Dressed Nickel Krock and a Dressed Nickel Buffalo respectively.
October 31 - November 6
Are you kitten me?! Mike Flynn of Maryland with another great day of Dangling from a dock. This catfish fell for a Dressed Brass Cannon!
October 24 - 30
Chris and Diamond Thurman of Oklahoma only had a few minutes to fish at the local creek and knew what to throw. They caught several fish in 15 minutes, including this little largemouth flexing his fins!
October 17 - 23
Mike Flynn of Maryland enjoyed a good morning bite while Dangling with his dad. They caught several fish, highlighted by this 4 pound catfish on a Dressed Nickel Dragon!
October 10 - October 16
Kat Jones of Alabama only had a few minutes to fish and knew what to do to beat the skunk! Kat threw on a Nickel Juice and Dangled a few fish, including this sunfish that she caught on her 1st cast!
October 3 - October 9, 2021
Brandon Heimericks of Missouri recently enjoyed a day of Dangling from his kayak. Brandon fooled several smallmouth bass by casting his Nickel Bullet into the area where his fishing partner missed a top-water bite. Teamwork makes the dream work!
September 26 - October 2, 2021
Cole of Maryland (one of the OG Danglers) shows off his "crappie" PB! Danglers come in all ages, and Cole is proof of that! Cole fooled this slab on a Brass Lucy Jr.
September 19 - 25, 2021
Max Wilson of New Jersey had "beginners luck" catching this solid largemouth during his first fishing trip with a Dangle. Max fooled this bass on a Dressed Brass Crash!
September 12 - 18, 2021
Chris Thurman of Oklahoma used multiple Dangles, both Dressed (with Hairy Hooks) and Naked (bare hooks), to fool several species of sunfish. This particular pumpkinseed was fooled by a Dressed Brass Juice.
September 5 - 11, 2021
Matthew Wardlaw of Nevada Dangled fish species number 38 when he fooled this common carp with a Dressed Nickel Juice. You never know what you'll catch on a Dangle!
August 28 - September 4, 2021
When the fish weren't biting anything on a recent kayak trip, Brandon Heimericks of Missouri threw on a Dangle and changed his fortunes. Brandon caught several fish, including this nice "smallie"; all fish caught were fooled by a Nickel Juice.
August 21 - August 27, 2021
Jorge Ortiz of Texas recently won some Dangles in a giveaway on our Instagram (dangle_lures); Jorge wasted no time, hooking up with multiple bass on a Nickel Drip within the first 5 minutes of fishing!
August 14 - August 20, 2021
Nathan Shem of Alaska holding up a new "Dangle First". Nathan fooled the 37th different fish species on a Dangle; this Coho, and others, fell for a Brass Buffalo!
August 8 - August 13, 2021
Vern Hall of Tennessee reported a mixed bag of catches this week, including perhaps the prettiest fish Dangled so far; the longear sunfish fell for the same Nickel Buffalo Vern won "Dangler of the Week" with last week!
August 1 - August 7, 2021
Vern Hall of Tennessee had a great night fishing trip. Vern caught TWO "Dangle Firsts" on the night; a skipjack shad and a few yellow bass, including this beauty pictured. All fish were fooled with a Nickel Buffalo! (I'm starting to sense a trend)
July 25 - July 31, 2021
Jett Nguyen of Louisiana wasted no time, fooling this largemouth bass with the Nickel Buffalo less than 24 hours after receiving his order!
July 18 - July 24, 2021
Brandon Brown of Texas was creek fishing from his kayak and finished with a mixed-species bag of sunfish and bass all fooled on the same lure; a Nickel Buffalo.
July 11 - July 17, 2021
Anthony Lepera of Delaware had a mixed bag kind of day with a combination of pumpkinseeds and largemouth bass. All of the fish caught that day were fooled by Anthony's "favorite inline spinner" the Drip in Nickel.
July 4 - July 10, 2021
Brandon Brown of Texas with proof that you don't need a big bait to catch a BIG fish! This bass, and several more, fell for a Brass Papa.
June 27 - July 3, 2021
Brady Kimmel of Indiana made the most of his time this week stopping to fish before work, and again before a storm rolled in. Brady's efforts paid off in both instances, and the Brass Buffalo helped him land a few solid bass!
June 20 - 26, 2021
Dangle Lures co-founder Mike Day of Maryland was testing a Dangle 'Prototype' when he hooked into this giant 6 pound PB, on the first cast!
June 13 - June 19, 2021
Emilee Henderson of West Virginia had the brook trout "munching". Emilee finished the day with 4 total brook trout, all fooled by a Brass Muncher!
June 6 - June 12, 2021
Bridget Beall of Maryland "gunned down" this beautiful 22 inch snakehead using a Brass Bullet. No gun necessary to catch fish with this bullet!
May 30 - June 5, 2021
Nerissa Behnke of Wisconsin caught this beautiful 26" pike on a Brass Buffalo. Nerissa didn't stop there though, she followed it up with another pike shortly after, also on the Brass Buffalo!
May 23 - May 29, 2021
Luc Carden was visiting his brother in Wisconsin, and good thing he did. Luc hooked into this 4 pound PB using the SAME Brass Lucy Jr. that his brother Evan caught his Wisconsin PB on last month!
May 16 - May 22, 2021
Anthony Lepera of Delaware got his hands on an "unreleased" Dangle and he lost count. About 20 bass later and this Dangle prototype was still fooling the fish; Anthony also managed 2 snakeheads on a Brass Buffalo during his fishing trip!
May 9 - May 15, 2021
Jason Boehm of Wisconsin had a successful first experience with Dangle Lures. Jason hooked and released several bass, including the hungry one here who swallowed his Brass Muncher.
May 2 - May 8, 2021
Gabi was fishing between the mountains in Montana when she fooled this beautiful brown trout with a Nickel Papa Jr. The only catch of the day, but helped to keep the skunk away!
April 25 - May 1, 2021
Deja Vu; Evan Carden of Wisconsin was fishing the retention pond out back of his place when he set his Wisconsin PB with this 3.3 pounder caught on a Lucy Jr.
April 18 - April 24, 2021
Evan Carden of Wisconsin found a new 'hot spot' in the retention pond out back of his place. Evan finished the day with 17 fish in total, the bass and yellow perch were all fooled on a Brass Juice!
April 11 - April 17, 2021
Brennon Emery of Oklahoma had a great day of fishing; "Dangling" 9 bass in one trip, all fooled by a Nickel Juice Jr.
April 4 - 10, 2021
Keith Russell of Kentucky fooled this stud white bass, and several more, on a Nickel Juice Jr. The white bass run, and bite has been hotter than the weather!